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Designed for two or more people, Partner Yoga utilizes the forms and principles of individual posture while incorporating the presence of another to deepen the impact of the experience. This particular style of Partner Yoga awakens our human potential through the integration of universal principles such as compassion, trust, balance and creativity.

​Partner Yoga is not a substitute for individual Yoga practice, it is an accelerated path to experience directly the root principle of Yoga – union. To experience union, we relax into the present moment and our individual presence. From this primary connection with ourselves, we realize our essential sameness and unity with others.


During partner yoga, practice challenges arise and we often experience emotions and internal conflicts. As partners work together, supporting one another, a context is created for examining larger principles of our human nature in relationship.

The excitement, mistrust, anger, and love we feel reflect our interpersonal patterns outside of Yoga practice. Through seeing how we are in the practice, we are empowered with more choices in our lives. Partner Yoga integrates the body-heart-mind-spirit connection through the use of universal principals such as trust, compassion, creativity.


Because Partner Yoga is nurturing and playful as well as instructive, it is accessible to a wide range of students. Partner Yoga provides a pathway into Yoga that may have previously seemed intimidating or inaccessible.

"I was scared and doubtful to try
but it was so much fun"

Your Rotating Instructors:​

Monique Claudio


Monique's unique ability to cross disciplines and blend her years of experience working with lovely humans to live amazingly in their bodies gives her teaching and guidance a passion and a joy that takes your own relationship to your body to a transcendent level. Her unique ability will help you find out how what you thought you knew about your body is only the tip of the iceberg. She'll guide you to find a new freedom of athleticism and ease in everything you do! 



  • ASCM Certified Exercise Physiologist/Health Fitness Specialist

  • E-RYT200hr

  • MELT method-Hand and Foot, Length, and Performance

  • EBFA Level1 Barefoot Training Specialist

  • AcroFit Certified Instructor

  • Aerial yoga Level 1 Instructor

  • Reiki 1 Practitioner

  • Certified Basic Thai massage

Acroyoga is not currently scheduled due to COVID-19.
Yes, you can do this!

Teaching acroyoga is a piece of cake compared to helping people believe they have the ability to do it. I’ve heard many preconceived notions over the years as to why one can’t do acroyoga. Anyone can do this! I address the majority of the concerns people have had:


“I’m not flexible enough.”


You don’t have to be that flexible. You don’t have to be able to touch your toes. As a base, we can put something underneath your sacrum (just below the lower back) so that your legs can better support someone. As a flier, you don’t have to be flexible at all. The base will move you around to whatever capacity your body can move, and it will feel incredible!


“I’m not strong enough.”


You're stronger than you think. You don’t have to be able to bench press or squat any vast amount of weight. Can you stand on your own two feet? Great, you can base someone too! It works by bone stacking - if the bones are straight, then the muscles don’t have to work very hard. When you stand up straight, you’re supporting over 100 pounds on your legs. This is similar to being a base; with the legs straight up in the air you can hold a lot of weight without being that strong. I’ve seen 125 pound women flying 200+ pound men using this simple principle.


“I weigh too much.”


No, you don’t. The last paragraph speaks to this. Especially if the base is experienced and has a good sense of balance, I’ve witnessed 335-pound fliers before.  No matter your weight, you can still fly!!


“I haven’t done yoga before or not for very long”


Yoga is not a prerequisite for acroyoga. The body awareness, calm breath, and deep connection that yoga develops can help but these things can develop with acroyoga as well. All it really takes is an open mind and a willingness to try.


I find it fascinating how amazingly good people can be (myself included!) at convincing themselves that they can’t do something. It is a beautiful discovery to move past these silly preconceived self-limitations and find out one can do anything. I believe it is an critical step in our collective human spirit to stop limiting ourselves with false beliefs and open to infinite possibility!

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